The home improvement market is more often than not driven by one of two things - a practical need to update or upgrade part of your home, or an emotive need to be unique and express your individuality and personality (or both).
What colour front door you choose will no doubt be driven by the latter rather than the former; but are you ‘on trend’ for 2015?
Here we tell you some of the ‘trendy’ colours* and what your potential choice could say about you**!
Blue - A restless spirit that enjoys figuring out ways to use the coolest gadget, tools or appliances to make life better. With a quick wit and quirky way of looking at things, your free time is filled with whatever strikes your fancy at the moment.
Cream - A quick smile and pleasant demeanor coupled with your logical, disciplined mind make you a natural organizer. Whether you are coordinating a charity event or heading up the running club, others follow your lead.
Rosewood - An investigator at heart, you are persistent at whatever you take on, including hobbies. You master puzzles, acquire the rare collectible and complete what you start, thus inspiring others to do the same.
Schwarz Braun - With a curious mind that takes in every detail of life, you enjoy pursuing a diverse range of activities that engage your mind. One evening you’re playing the stock market, the next exploring a scientific breakthrough or even meditating.
Duck Egg - Your home is an oasis that calms your restless spirit and recharges it to pursue the adventures you crave. Activities that allow you to unwind both physically and mentally (especially outdoors), suit you best.
French Grey - Naturally good at whatever you do, you choose to put your energy into social responsibility and the community where you live — possibly even actively participating in solving local problems.
Are You 'On Trend' with Your Choice Of Front Door Colour?
Pictured left to right: Harlech in Blue, Flint in Rosewood and Palermo in Grey
But don’t forget that with Composite Doors Yorkshire you can choose different colours for the inside and outside, so you can match your door to your interior decor as well as your personality!
See the full colour range here.
*Based on colours in our own composite door range.
**Source: Sensational Color